Computer Sciences Book Related to Different Languages

Computer science is a relatively young discipline, although computing communication and coding has existed for centuries.

Suppose you are a computer science student keen on researching computing history or a programmer seeking to hone your abilities in a particular programming language, in that case today these books will be of great help to you.

Computer and internet books

Let Us C

Let Us C, An authentic Guide to C Programming Language book by Yashavant P. Kanetkar, this book does not assume any programming background. In this book, each chapter contains some lucid explanation of the concept, well thought-out, fully working programming examples. Exercises at the end of chapter will help you practice the skills learned in the chapter.

There are hand crafted “kanNotes” at the end of each chapter that will help the reader remember and revise the concepts covered in the chapter.

Last but not the least The Table of Contents consists of Getting Started C Instructions, More Complex Decision Making, Decision Control Instruction, Loop Control Instruction,Functions Pointers Recursion Data Types, more Complex Repetitions Case Control Instruction, R Handling Multiple Strings Structures Console Input/ Output File Input/ Output and a lot more.

Data Structures and Algorithms Made Easy

Narasimha Karumanchi’s book serves as a guide to prepare for exams, interviews, and campus work. This book offers solutions to various algorithmic problems and complex data structures.

Provides multiple solutions for each problem and the book is coded in C/C++, it comes handy as an interview and exam guide for computer scientists.

Python Programming: Using Problem Solving Approach

Python Programming by Reema Thareja begins with an introduction to computers, programming languages, problem solving approaches, Python programming and object oriented programming. The book has separate chapters dealing with functions, strings, files, data structures, important constructs of Python language such as classes and objects, control statements, inheritance, operator overloading etc.

Thareja has designed this textbook to fulfill the requirements of the first-level course in Python programming. This book is also suited for undergraduate degree students of computer science engineering, IT as well as computer applications.

Head First Java: A Brain-Friendly Guide

This new third edition by Kathy Sierra, Bert Bates, Trisha Gee brings the up-to-date for Java 8-17, including major recent updates to the Java language and development platform.

Java has seen some more modern approaches, deep code-level changes and requiring even more careful study & implementation. This book combines strong visuals, puzzles, mysteries, and soul-searching interviews with famous Java objects to engage you in many different ways.

All these books are a must read if you are a computer science student. If you are still struggling to get them then just go grab them now and today from Bookswagon at the best prices worldwide.

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